Business Planning

During the life cycle of any business, there may come a point where the business will need funding to achieve the next stage of growth.

This funding may come from the business proprietor, outside investors, banks or other sources. Any issuer of finance will want to see just how well their investment is going to be protected and typically a business plan will be required to source such support.

A well structured business plan will set out your goals and objectives as well as your requirements and over what time period you expect to achieve them. We specialise in creating detailed, informative business plans underpinned by well researched market data and a clear set of financials, supported by intelligent sensitivity analysis.

Having worked in big 4 consultancy practices, multinational organisations and a number of the UK’s leading clearing banks, our corporate finance team has a broad base of experience in delivering such plans and financials for a wide range of organisations, from start up companies requiring initial funding and finance to established businesses aiming for growth.